I may not know you personally; I may not know your specific pains or how NF has not only affected you but also your loved ones.
Our paths may never physically cross, but we will forever have a bond due to NF. This disorder that causes havoc in its host with no hesitation has brought us together.
I know I have said this before, and I will continue saying it, I never imagined that my stories would reach so many lives.
As of late, I have received messages via Facebook from mothers with children that have NF that have found new strength by reading my posts. They have asked me questions about my life and my struggles. They have asked about surgeries and if their child should have a particular procedure done or just let life take its course. I answer their questions with honesty and hope. I only say how NF has affected my life thus far and how surgery has improved my overall well being. I tell them that we are all different and that I cannot give them all the answers to their questions because honestly no one can. Regardless, I am still more than happy to answer questions and to provide my life experiences as a testament of how NF has affected me.
Every single one of us is an extraordinary human! Whether our bodies have dozens even hundreds of fibromas or just the cafe a latte markings; whether NF has caused our bodies to fail us or if we look ordinary we are remarkable. I say this now more than ever because I have been given the privilege of meeting others that have NF and to me, you are all, like Children's Tumor Foundation says, CHAMPIONS AND HERO'S.
I dedicate this blog post to all of you!