How does this happen? Last time I spoke with her she was fine by all accounts, we talked about Cupid's and the possibility of her joining my team, we left it at maybe, but never brought it back up.
I was really hoping that my first blog post of 2020 would be more positive and motivational, but sadly it's not. Instead, I will dedicate this post to my friend.
Kathy was and will forever be a fantastic, amazing and beautiful human being. We became quick friends, connecting through CTF and meeting for the first time in our native Barranquilla, Colombia. We talked sporadically, but had a deep connection from the start. Last year she and I were interviewed by a local journalist in the Tampa Bay area, we shared our life experiences with NF and how we do not let this relentless condition control our lives. Kathy talked about her foundation and her goals as a fashion designer. Unfortunately, despite not allowing NF to run her life, it took it.
Kathy, my dear friend, I love you and promise to continue spreading your message. Rest in Heaven. I know we will meet again.