Below is my poem, enjoy. I will share the link to the performance as soon as it is available.
Look at me.
Go ahead; I give you permission.
I’ll stand still.
Look at me.
Go ahead; I give you permission.
You can laugh
You can point
Look at me!
Go ahead; I give you permission.
Call me names.
I've heard them all:
You’re an abomination
You’re fu-gly
You’re a monster
You’re a mutant
You’re ugly
I said,
Look at me!
Go ahead; I give you permission.
Look at my droopy face.
Look at my protruding right eye,
It’s a prosthetic
Look at my scars.
You done?
Now, See me.
Go ahead; I dare you.
Do you see me?
The woman, standing before you?
Here I am, despite you,
I am not afraid.
I am Standing tall.
See me.
I dare you.