Wednesday, April 17, 2024

This is My Brave: I Dare You

 On Friday, April 5th, I participated in USF's This is My Brave College experience. I stood on stage, vulnerable and naked ( figuratively), and spoke my truth. I performed an original poem titled, I Dare You. I was inspired by the events after an influencer "blessed" me with cash. I used the cruel words from strangers as a tool to write this piece. 
Below is my poem, enjoy. I will share the link to the performance as soon as it is available. 

Look at me.

Go ahead; I give you permission.

I’ll stand still.


Look at me. 

Go ahead; I give you permission.

You can laugh

You can point

Look at me!

Go ahead; I give you permission.

Call me names.

I've heard them all:

You’re an abomination 

You’re fu-gly 

You’re a monster

You’re a mutant

You’re ugly

I said, 

Look at me!

Go ahead; I give you permission. 

Look at my droopy face.

Look at my protruding right eye, 

It’s a prosthetic 

Look at my scars.

You done? 

Now, See me.

Go ahead; I dare you.

Do you see me?

The woman, standing before you?

Here I am, despite you,

I am not afraid.

I am Standing tall.




See me.

I dare you.