I recently watched "Bully" a heart gripping documentary that tells the stories of varies teens that have been bullied, shunned, and in some cases have taken their own lives at a very young age. I highly recommend this film to everyone because something has to be done about it. It is cruel and wrong; no child should be bullied to the point of taking their own life.
I was bullied. I was made fun of and ridiculed growing up by my classmates. I felt like I was the problem, and on some occasions thought that it would be better if I were dead. My bullies never laid a finger on me... but their words and laughter were powerful enough that even today at times it affects me.
I was made fun of for something that was absolutely and entirely out of my control; I was born with NF, and there is nothing I can do to change that. The only thing I can do is live my life to the fullest and enjoy every second of it.
I very rarely go to that dark and depressing place in my memory that brings tears and anger.I do not like driving past my middle school because the seventh and eighth grade was the absolute worse for me, I was taunted every single day by the same group of peers. I remember two girls. Specifically, that would be friendly towards me some days and then other days would be the cruelest and would lead the class in taunting me. I despised weekdays with a passion that I can not explain. When I walked home, I ran, when my mom picked me up, I jumped in her car. My parents were aware of what I was going through, but I did not let them do anything about it because I knew if they did it would only get worse.
Despite all the ugly and cruel things that I have gone through I have been able to let it all go because I have always had the best of friends that encourage and push me to be the best Angela possible. I have brothers that always have and will always do anything in their power to see me laugh and smile. They over protect me, and I do not mind! I have two loving parents that did a great job in raising a daughter that does not let her physical appearance stop her from achieving her goals and dreams.