I also know that some may think that I look perfectly fine without it and that regardless of the patch or not people will still gawk and ask questions. I can handle questions, it is the gawking that hurts because it makes me feel like an alien at times.
Every time a member of my family brings up the subject I become very defensive because I am against the idea. After years of arguments, wearing and had a heart-to-heart with my ever so honest and loving godmother; she made me realize that by wearing an eye patch does not change who I am. And that what I am doing by wearing an eye patch is giving people the opportunity to get to know Angela as a whole and focus on me as a person. Not Angela the girl that has something wrong with her face. Because if I am honest, people do notice; they see my face, my eye, and my scars before they notice me as a whole.
The way she put it made it click. I now realize that she and many others said what they said so many times before because they had first had experience how rude and ignorant people could be. And if they felt uncomfortable and upset than I must feel ten times more hurt and upset.
So, I called my mom up in Florida and asked her to send me my never worn eye patch to DC because I wanted to actually wear it. I wanted to experience people's reaction to me wearing an eye patch versus me not wearing one.
I decided to test out my eye patch at a party filled with people that I did not know. I decided to do this because no one knew me or had ever even seen a picture of me; I thought their reaction towards me would be genuine enough that I would be able to compare similar circumstance with wearing and not wearing an eye patch. The results were that people actually looked at me with a natural smile and were completely comfortable around me. Unlike other times that people really didn't know how to approach me or how to look at me when talking to me directly. It was a very positive experience. Although I have only worn it once, I do plan on wearing it again, it's just a matter of me feeling comfortable with it and having fun with this whole new concept.
youlook fine I wuold sayif i first saw youI would think strokeof sime ind theylok atme see allmylumpsnd bumpos Imeabn allofthem TMTC atmyage stillhatethemt oo 50+ and peoplestilaskifiamcontagiousnad canI contimatet he food etc sosd or ids stares tooI feellikesaying itisnF butalsohavea Sd too formy balncenad mobility too so yes iwishI coldgetrid oflumsnd bumps but yulok soprettyw ithit or withut i say